The Dolphin Lady™

Business and Career Coaching Services


The Dolphin Lady™
Portrait of Virginia C. Smith
Virginia C. Smith
Virginia is the author of The Dolphin Lady™ - a true story about her 18 year relationship with a pod of wild spinner dolphins in the ocean waters of Hawaii.
She is also a renowned trainer and business-career coach.
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I have experienced some amazing coaching moments with my dear dolphin friends. I met my dear friends at a very low period of my life. Over the last sixteen years they have guided me to realize many things about who I am and all that I desire. After a little kicking and screaming I have implemented these inspiring realizations into my life. In addition, I am very aware that these insightful learnings are to be shared with others especially as they make their own life changing career decisions.

Oprah Winfrey makes the following statement, quite frequently, on her show, "Life is a circle, we always come full circle back to the same point". I both acknowledge and applaud her for this wisdom.

With your permission I'd like to add some food for thought. Is life not more like a spiral© as we move through our life? We do come to similar situations, but by the second or third time are we not different? Does the situation not look different, aren't the players different? Has something not transformed within us when we meet these situations again? Are we not stronger or wiser? So when the same situation presents itself before us are we not looking through different eyes meaning we must have climbed to another level of the spiral standing there with all of our own realizations? If we were the same person, unchanged, not growing with life each and every moment then we would come full circle as we would be the same returning to the same point. To walk in circles would be misusing one of our greatest gifts - our freewill or choice? I know for me, looking at my journey as more of a climb up the spiral© of life. That it is more of a beautiful opportunity to be inspired© to aspire© all that I desire. Intriguing that inspire© and aspire© have some of the same letters that spiral© has.

My dolphin friends have taught me that my inner spiral© brings me to that blissful moment when I can think differently, see my truth, and more importantly become inspired© to aspire©. This is also the same moment in which I can align with my inner grit©, my integrity, my courage to tell myself the truth, which is based in my feelings not my emotions. Additionally it is the moment in which I am open to correction and guidance.

We are Alive to live - A Life©-. So all that is required is that we -Be in this Life©- or Believe in Self and all of the potential that "I AM". Are you ready to live your life and be in your life? Are you ready to Live and follow your spiral©? Are you ready for a little correction? Are you ready to be inspired© to aspire© all that you are?

Then let's get started! To schedule or learn about our coaching packages "Contact Us" today!

Message From The Dolphin Lady™ - "I look forward to partnering with you to co-achieve all of your inspired results. Begin your enlightened journey, today, up the spiral! It's better with your heart, mind and eyes wide open!"

Virginia is the President of Training Insights, Inc.

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