The Dolphin Lady™

The Dolphin Lady, Virginia 'Joy' Smith

Book Updates

Presently "The Dolphin Lady™" is being submitted to a major publisher.

For now check back here for updates and news, provided on our BLOG, about this very special and exciting book - "The Dolphin Lady™, The Story of a Unique Relationship"........


Welcome to my BLOG!

I upload inspirational messages once a month (and sometimes twice a month). Please send me your thoughts (your feedback is greatly appreciated!) ALSO, if you would like to receive email updates please let me know…

I look forward to hearing from you!
Joy, The Dolphin Lady

For now here is the latest addition to my BLOG...

Want to add your comments to our Blog? Go here!


Here are some of the books that I am presently reading and enjoying...

  1. "The Disappearance of the Universe", by Gary R. Renard - published by Hay House previously published by Fearless Books
  2. "Ask and it is Given", by Ester and Jerry Hicks - published by Hay House
  3. "Power Versus Force" By David Hawkins - published by Hay House
  4. "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer - published by Element an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

You can contact Virginia with your comments or inquiries via our Contact Form

Virginia is the President of Training Insights, Inc.

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